Hub Spotlight – Antonia Prebble

1.Tell us about Your role in “Westside”,  for which you recently won the NZ TV Best Actress award. 

I play Rita West, who is the matriarch of a family of criminals. She is an absolute gift of a character, really complex and with limitless scope. Even thought we are about to start filming the 5th season I still feel like there’s a lot more to discover about her.

2.What has been your favourite project/piece of work of your career so far?

Oohh this is so tricky. The show that has had the biggest impact on my life is definitely Outrageous Fortune, which I filmed from 2005-2011, so that will always hold a really special place in my heart.

3.Tell us a bit about any other upcoming or recent projects.

Well, we are just about to go into season 5 of Westside, and I’m also in the middle of shooting a factual series, which I’m presenting.

4. Which project of yours are you most proud of and why?

I am really proud of Sisters, which we filmed in Melbourne last year. It was such a special shoot, and everyone who worked on it gave it their everything.

5. Which project challenged you the most or did you learn form the most?

I think White Lies, which is a film I made about 6 years ago. It was the most difficult role I’ve ever taken on and required quite a different approach to what I had been used to.

6. If you could give our Hubsters one piece of advice what would it be?

I would say keep studying! For me, getting back in the classroom immediately reconnects me to why I love acting so much.

7. Tell us about your time/ association with The Hub and how you think it has impacted you professionally.

A few years ago, when I was shooting Winter, I did a weekly class at The Hub. I thought the range of classes that were offered was fantastic and if I had stayed longer in Sydney I definitely would have enrolled in a lot more of them. It’s always so useful getting a range of different perspectives and approaches to acting that you can just keep in your “toolbox”, and this class was great for that.

8. Do you have aspirations for a particular project or a ‘dream role’?

I had always wanted to play Juliet, but unfortunately I think that ship may have sailed 😂 And other than that my aspirations are just that I am able to keep working on interesting projects that challenge me, as opposed to wanting to be part of a particular project. I also love working in Australia so I hope I can keep doing that!

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